A Korean restaurant in Sydney’s CBD is facing disciplinary action after it allegedly served five diners 86 shots of alcohol during a six-hour birthday celebration.

Police allege the group of diners at the Haru Fusion Soju Lounge were served 86 standard drinks of soju, a clear Korean liquor that has an alcohol content of between 16 to 53 per cent, in October last year.

CCTV footage shows a patron asleep at a table inside the restaurant.

CCTV footage shows a patron asleep at a table inside the restaurant.Credit:NSW Liquor and Gaming Authority

After leaving the venue one female member of the group was found outside the restaurant next to a pool of vomit, while another was found lying unconscious on the road.

The NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority alleges CCTV footage shows a female staff member of the Castlereagh Street venue walking past a patron passed out at a table. Other footage shows a woman being carried out of the restaurant.
