A year ago, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was just getting her start in the House of Representatives fresh off a historic run for New York’s 14th District that involved unseating a 19-year incumbent. She’s now one of the legislative body’s most popular and well-known members, but that doesn’t mean she can’t throw down at the bodega.

This week, AOC returned to Desus & Mero for a check-in with the Bodega Boys. But instead of doing a stodgy sit-down interview, the trio opted to hit the streets of the Bronx — in fresh Timbs, obviously — for a day of BECs, bartending, and burritos.

They decide to put AOC’s skills as a former bartender to the test at Step In, which gives Desus a chance to ask AOC how she feels about frequent comments that she should “go back to bartending.”

Her response: “I feel like people are always clowning themselves when they say that. It’s like, so you think every person you represent that’s a bartender, a waitress, a working person, that they can’t do this job? ’Cause let me tell you, I work with some of these people and they are not smarter than a bartender.”
